Residence Inn by Marriott / Hanes Mall


Hotels Motels Bed and Breakfasts


You'll thrive at Residence Inn by Marriott Winston Salem Hanes Mall with the convenience and space you need. Whether you're with us for a few days, a few weeks, or a few months, your daily routine matters. Spacious studio and one--bedroom suites offer separate living and sleeping areas so you can spread out and relax. Our guestroom entertainment system which includes access to Crackle, Hulu, Netflix, Pandora and YouTube will help you stay current on Movies, Music and your favorite Television Shows. A fully equipped kitchen is ready for your Culinary Cuisine Masterpiece. We also do your grocery shopping for you free of charge and deliver it right to your refrigerator while you are out. Free High Speed Internet access for connecting to your Career or Social Circle. Complimentary hot breakfast to start mornings off right and 'The Mix' to end the day well. Refresh at our fitness center to strengthen your body and soul. Relax and unwind while enjoying a craft beer or customized cocktail in our lobby bar.

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