Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina
General Health Care
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina is the only major health insurer grown and based in the state, having served the citizens of North Carolina for more than 70 years. Its approximately 3,300 employees work for a company that provides health care coverage and service in all 100 North Carolina counties and to more than 3 million members. In addition, BCBSNC, for the past three years, has been America's fastest growing Blue plan, outpacing membership gains posted by the more than 40 Blue Cross Blue Shield Association plans doing business in the U.S. Acquired by BCBSNC in 2001, PARTNERS National Health Plans of North Carolina, Inc. was the state's largest stand-alone HMO. Today, PARTNERS-headquartered in Winston-Salem-remains North Carolina's premier Medicare Advantage (formerly Medicare+Choice) government program with 35,000 members across 20 counties. BCBSNC and PARTNERS also maintain a major operations center in Winston-Salem.