State of the Economy
Tuesday, April 22, 2025 (11:30 AM - 1:00 PM) (EDT)
We are honored to welcome North Carolina Governor Josh Stein for our upcoming State of the Economy presented by Reynolds American Inc.!
Assuming office in 2025, Governor Stein serves as North Carolina’s chief executive and is tasked by the constitution with faithfully carrying out the laws of the state. He is ex officio commander in chief of the North Carolina National Guard and director of the state budget.
As Governor, Stein’s focus will be on creating a safer, stronger North Carolina. He will bring people together to help western North Carolina recover from Hurricane Helene, create economic opportunity for all North Carolinians, invest in public schools, and keep people safe. Stein spent the past eight years serving as North Carolina’s Attorney General.
Governor Stein will provide remarks on North Carolina’s economic opportunities, business advantages, and workforce growth. Mark Owens, President and CEO of Greater Winston-Salem Inc., will also provide remarks on Winston-Salem’s strategies for building the talent pipeline through education and workforce opportunities, attracting investment from companies looking to locate here, and supporting the growth of existing industries.
Program to begin at 11:30 AM.
Member Ticket $65 | Non-Member Ticket $75
Member Table $850 | Non-Member Table $1,000
Support economic growth in Winston-Salem and Forsyth County while increasing your visibility. Preview State of the Economy sponsorships here. Contact Joanna Mitchell for additional information on event sponsorship opportunities.
Parking: Parking is available for a fee at the 6th Cherry Trade Street parking garage.
Ticket and table sales are final. While we cannot issue refunds, we would be happy to accommodate someone in your place.
Attendees consent to being photographed by attending this event. Photos may be used for marketing or promotional purposes.
Call 336.728.9200 or email Joanna Mitchell
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301 W 5th Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Winston Ballroom